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Posted by - 10/7/04 Prepared by Back to Basics Seminars
Below is a list of the guidelines taken from the Internal Revenue Service Publication, Instructions for Forms 1099, 1098, 1096 and W-2G. These are only guidelines. For complete instructions you may request the above booklet by calling 1-800-424-FORM. If we have extra copies of this publication in the office we will gladly supply you with one.
The 1099 form is composed of 3 parts:
Copy A, to be filed with the IRS by February 28th.
Copy B, to be sent to the recipient by January 31st.
Copy C, to be retained for your records.
Required Format – “Because paper forms are read by machines, all Forms 1096 & Copies A of Forms 1098, 1099, and 5498 must be prepared in accordance with the following instructions”.
1. Phone numbers on statements. The telephone number of a person to contact must be included in the filer name and address area. This number must provide direct access to an individual who can answer questions about the statement.
2. Do not cut or separate Copies A of the forms that are printed three to a page. You must submit the entire page even if only one form is completed. Send the forms to the IRS in a flat mailing envelope, do not fold the forms.
3. No Photocopies of any form are allowed.
4. Do not staple, tear or tape any of these forms. It will interfere with the IRS’s ability to scan the documents.
5. Do not change the title of a box on any form. Report the money sum in the correct box (ex. Rents, royalties, interest, NEC, non-employee compensation). Make only one entry per box.
6. Do not submit any copy other than Copy A to the IRS.
7. Do not use a prior years form. Forms are “read” by machine. The current year’s form must be used.
8. Although hand written forms are acceptable, the IRS prefers that you type or machine print data entries using 10 pitch (pica) or 12 pitch (elite) black type. Use block print, not script characters. Insert data in the middle of the blocks.
9. Use Decimal points to indicate dollars and cent (6000.00). Do not use dollar signs ($), ampersands (&), asterisks (*), commas (,) and any other special character in the $ amount boxes.
10. Do not use number signs (#), ex. Rt 2, not Rt. #2. Also do not use zeros (-0-) in money amount boxes where no entry is required.
11. Where to file: Internal Revenue Service Center. See Form 1096 for address.
File one Form 1096, Annual Summary and Transmittal of U.S Information Returns, for each different type of your 1099 filed. Example: File one 1096 to summarize all of your 1099 Miscellaneous; one 1096 for all of your 1099 Interest; one 1096 for all 1099 Dividends. Mail the 1096 and 1099 together in the same envelope.
We are happy to provide you with the 1096 and 1099 forms, but we cannot assume any responsibility for errors you may make while preparing your own forms.